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This page is about my makeup preferences, what my skin and hair needs are, so you can use this information whilst reading blog posts, to compare to your own skin. 

HAIR: My hair has been through a lot over the years. I've had various colours, and bleached it numerous times, so as you can imagine my hair isn't in the best state. This means my hair is very, very dry and damaged. It's got a lot better than it was a few years ago, however I still need to use hydrating, and deeply conditioning products for my hair, to attempt to restore it.

SKIN: My face used to be normal/oily, especially in my T-Zone, chin and either side of my nose. However, since I had my daughter my skin seems to have taken a U-turn and has gone dry. Particularly where my jaw is on the right side, I have a big dry patch which some foundations tend to stick to, so I tend to use hydrating primers and foundations. The tip of my nose tends to be dry too. While my T-Zone and chin are still oily (not as bad as before, but still a little oily), sides of my nose tend not to be anymore, unless I've used a product that doesn't agree with my skin.

COLOUR REFERENCE: My hair is currently a very deep, dark brown (not quite black but nearly there) and my eyes are a weird mix of green/blue/grey. 


My skintone is quite fair, with yellow undertones. I have an Asian heritage (my Granddad was born in Burma), so I'm not cool toned like a lot of fair people tend to be. Whilst I love my skin tone, it can be a nightmare to find a foundation/concealer to match me. I use MAC NC15, that kind of gives you a general reference to the kinds of colours I use.



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