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How I Review On My Blog vs. How I Review On Instagram..

If you didn't already know, I actually have 2 platforms where I do my reviews. I review on my blog, here, but also on my Instagram. You can find my Instagram link at the top of my blog page, and also on my contact page. I use both platforms for different styles of reviews, and to reach a wider audience, if I can. I like the idea of Instagram for us beauty junkies, as you just have to search a simple hashtag, and find reviews, pictures and swatches easily. I also like blogs because blogs provide more room to do more in depth, detailed reviews, whereas Instagram has a text limit.

That, right there is why I have both. I use Instagram for what I call '10 Point Reviews' - I bullet point 10 things about the products, fits within the text limit, and also isn't boring for readers. The blog is more for people who are happy to read a long, rambly post where I can explore all aspects of a product/products that I think are relevent, and I can talk about the products in much more detail. I do advertise my blog on my Instagram, I'll take a screenshot of my latest post, and post that to Instagram.

I've made this tiny post to just outline to those who are confused as to why I review on both platforms, and to give you guys a clearer idea what to expect on both.

Thanks for reading, and remember if you have any requests for reviews on either platform, let me know! Check out my contact page on how to let me know your ideas.

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